Last-minute surprises on Live push of website ?

Hello guys, hope everyone is doing well, Before deep dive into the topic let me quickly share with you context of the topic, today we will focus on the best practices we can use to make any page live without having any last moment surprises : )
Ok cool, So basically you and your team members are working hard to make site launch and excited too to see your work on live environment, sounds awesome, Right ?
There are couple of best practices to make it awesome, and if you missed one of them, then might chances that your live push becomes a big Mess.
Surprised ?
Exactly my point, Last moment surprises on Live push and how to avoid them to follow best practices, let’s understand them :
- Jot down your idea
- Set realistic time lines with buffer
- Task Management
- Team sync up call
- Common group for updates
- Approval
- Phase 2 scenerio
1. Jot down your Idea
List down key points what is this new page all about, why you need to create that page, who will be target audience gonna use this, how your idea to make page make life easier to your users day to day basis.
2. Set realistic time lines with buffer
Once you are done with your homework, schedule a call with your team and understand the roadblocks of making the page live, there might be design level challenges or development level implications difficulties you can encounter and any stage. Set a realistic time lines with buffer and make sure everyone is on same page.
3. Task Management
Create main task ( parent ), under this create sub-tasks and set due dates to sync up with him, add due date in main task. Put some basic information about task in description of main task (parent) WHAT, WHY, HOW.
A) WHAT : is this page all about
B) WHY : you need to create that page
C) HOW : mention technology here, used to make page live, like which stack is involved. ( example: html / css / js ) etc.
Main task ( parent ) Title goes here
3.1 Content
3.2 Design
3.3 Development (front end + back end)
3.4 SEO
3.5 QA
3.6 Stage push
3.7 Live push
Create above mentioned 7 (3.1 to 3.7) as sub-tasks and assign with due dates to sync up with respective stake holder.
4. Team sync up call
Schedule a fix time daily basis to track progression and updates on the task.
5. Common group for updates
Create a group and asked everyone to use group for their queries, task updates or day to day basis problems they are facing, and asked stake holders if someone needs help so tag a person specifically.
So once you see your project from bird eye view, you will have better understanding and clarity whether your live push will be a successful party or a big mess.
6. Approval
Do not move from one task until not fully done and approved by the stake holders.
7. Phase 2 scenerio
If you find that one sub-task is completed and after some time there is some requirement to re-work on that and improve more then push this to phase 2 scenario I.e. post live push, if there is a re-work and clashes with live push timeline then do this once your site push on live. There is always chance for improvement and this is never ending process they called it keep learning, so without taking stress just take all those new feedback after live push. and have a healthy discussion with stake holders that we welcome and appreciate the improvements on existing work but we need not to distract on our goal I.e. push page live, if in any circumstances you have to re-work of your planned task then re-vise your live push time line and this is learning and improvement area for you and your team as well that how we need to avoid chaos in next project : ) have learning attitude with smile on face ☺ this is team work and let’s understand each other and work together and grow together and always active listener with patience, this will help you out to work under pressure situation
Thanks for reading, please feel free to share your view points here, I hope this article helpful for you. signing off for the day.
See you soon with new interesting topic. Till then goodbye 👋 and take care of yourself.
keep learning☺